Topic outline

  • Password Information

    Usernames and Passwords for logging in to RNCM Moodle

    To log in to Moodle you should use your standard RNCM username and password the same as logging in to email, Asimut or a computer on the college network.

    You can now use either your college username or your college email ( e.g. for the username field when you are logging in - one less thing to forget. The username is not case-sensitive (but password is).

    To change your password (if it hasn't yet expired).

    On a PC in the College building, press CTRL ALT Delete and chose Change Password.
    If it is inconvenient for you to get to a college PC, please either email, call in to the IT office on the second floor - please bring your ID card, or phone 0161 907 5257 for assistance.

    If your password has expired or you have forgotten it.

    If you haven't logged in for a long time your password may have expired and so you will have to get it reset. The same applies if you have forgotten your password.

    Because the password is for a range of college systems and not just Moodle it can only be reset by the IT department. Please either email, call in to the IT office on the second floor - please bring your ID card, or phone 0161 907 5257 for assistance.

    External users with Moodle only accounts should contact the Digital Learning Manager by emailing