Lesson Notes 7th October (inc. F-clef note key)

Lesson Notes 7th October (inc. F-clef note key)

by Stephen Laidlaw - Posted on
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Hi Bluebirds, 

Well done for another great week!

This week, as well as Jig and Swing your Arm, please practise Flying Around from Cello Time Starters and Willow Waltz from Vamoosh.

We learned a little more about our F clef this week too. Practise saying your alphabet names A-G and backwards often. When your notes get higher in pitch, we move forwards through the alphabet, and when we get lower, we go backwards through the alphabet names. We only need 7, so just A-G! Use the note key to see how this works on your F-clef.

Once you feel comfortable with this, you can have a look at St Anthony Chorale from Vamoosh and see how you get on!

Have a great week!
