Hi Bluebirds,
This week we continued to work on playing together on the beat.
We also worked on using our right elbows like a lever to change strings. Lift up the lever up to move the bow up a string, and lever down to move to a lower string. We tried to do this by feel, so when you feel confident try changing string without looking at your bow.
Warm Up: On the Beat game
As last week with new verse and rhythm! Using open strings A D G
Can you make a four beat idea that uses a string crossing? e.g. D D A A
Play together on the beat - ta ta ta ta
Tap the beat with your feet - ta ta ta ta
Pull and push your bow with me - ta ta ta ta
play the rhythm that you see - ta ti-ti ta ti-ti
Piece 1: Cowboy Chorus (notation version on sheet)
We will be playing this piece in our performance at the end of this term, so please keep practising it each week as part of your warm up, and sing the song too!
New Piece: Clown Dance (Vamoosh no. 8)
This piece uses the ta ti-ti ta ti-ti rhythm we used in our warm up game throughout.
We worked out that we need to use less bow for our ti-tis as they are half beats.
Practice this rhythm on an open D string first, then try playing the same rhythm on the G and A strings.
Watch out for string crossings, only bar 1 and bar 6 stay on the same string for the whole bar! Can you work out what happens in each bar before you play it?