Practice Notes 27 Jan

Practice Notes 27 Jan

by Sarah Smyth - Posted on
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Hi Bluebirds,

It was a very exciting lesson today using our first finger notes for the first time! Well done, you both did brilliantly. 

Left Arm/Hand Warm Ups

Telescopes: Use our telescope warm up to get your left hand into position. Left Arm extended with palm to the ceiling, make a telescope with your thumb and middle finger. Fold your arm in and into position.

Apples: chomp your apple! Make sure your hand is lovely and round. Tap finger one and thumb, gently bringing the thumb and finger one together to make a round shape. Try with your other fingers too! 

Warm Up pieces

Mountain Rockers: open string versions first (sheet music in bass bag), then with open strings and finger 1 (music attached). Sing the note names when you play.

‘Rock on to the next string’ - remember to use your elbow to rock your bow onto the next string 

We worked out each of the 1st finger notes on the whiteboard, and I’ve attached a picture of your work today. You can use this to help you play and sing the notes of Mountain Rockers 1st finger version! 


Keep working on Cowboy Chorus for your performance, and Clown Dance