Lesson notes 27th Jan

Lesson notes 27th Jan

by Victoria Bickerton - Posted on
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Hi Team!

Well done this morning, we covered lots of material. 

This week please could you practise:

First Finger Rag all the way through. We were very confident with our plucking, but when we added bows it was harder to stay in time. When you bow it, it might be a good idea to start slowly. 

To get you warmed up you can do our normal routine of:

Say/sing it

Pluck it

Bow it

We also looked at the first line of Gow's Reel today too. We learned that 1st finger on the E string is called F# (F sharp). We also found the repeat sign at the end of the line, and this means we play the first line twice. 

Please could you practise this one too?

Mia - make sure your violin is in a good position (imagine you're a clock face, your violin should point to '10 o clock' - ask a grown up to help with this). 

Tharoon - make sure you're doing your best bow hold. We need to hold the bow further into our fingers, and not in our finger tips. Check out the bow hold video on Moodle to help you if you're not sure. 

Thejal - remember to keep your eyes on the music

Well done everyone :)