Lesson notes for Tharoon 4th May

Lesson notes for Tharoon 4th May

by Victoria Bickerton - Posted on
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Well done today Tharoon. 


We covered a couple of things in our lesson today:

1) Zoom Zoom

Make sure you violin is round on your shoulder so your head is supporting your instrument. This means your hand is nice and loose and floppy and able to zoom really high up your instrument. Have a little go on all strings. 

2) Scale exercise

We discovered that going from open string to 3 fingers on the next string down is the hardest part of our scale. 

We did (something similar to the) following:

E E E E D D D D E E E E D D D D       (in this case E is open string, D = 3 on A)

E E D sh E E D sh E E D sh E E D sh

E D sh sh E D sh sh E D sh sh E D sh sh

In each exercsie try to prepare your 3rd finger by letting it hover over the A string. 

Remember to stop the bow, place fingers down, rock bow to the next string, and when both are ready, more your bow to make a beautiful sound. 


If this goes well, you could try A - G (3d)   and D - C (3g)


3) Stave reading

We practised drawing a treble clef and look at line and space notes. We said Every Girl (and) Boy Deserve Fudge for the line notes, and F A C Es in the spaces for the space notes. We always read this bottom to top. I'd like you to find a piece of music in our orange books that we haven't done yet, and see if you can work out all the alphabet names of the notes. It would be amazing if you were then able to work out how to play it too!