Audition Theory tests are run on Moodle every year for candidates applying for UG courses. There are separate tests for BMus and BMus Pop. 


To facilitate this manual accounts are set up. These are Moodle only and use Moodle authentication rather than LDAP. Accounts are set up using data supplied by the admissions team. Ideally they would put the data into the template Excel file (see below). If not ask them to make sure that firstname and lastname are in separate columns as that makes it a lot easier to cut and paste the data across. 


For simplicity of administration these are set up using the candidates' UCAS numbers as username, password and idnumber. They are batch created from a csv file using the 'Upload users' functionality. 


CSV file fields 



Email is a required field in Moodle so 'fake' email addresses are created using a formula in the spreadsheet using the pattern  (the formula also removes all spaces from names). 


In order to sort the applicants by school, instrument and course  some  unused user account fields are used to store this information. 


skype – course code  e.g BMUS or BMUSP 

yahoo – Instrument  (N.B. Instrument name exactly as on UCAS application so that it is consistent for later sorting) 


Department - school code e.g. SPOP, SKS, SWBP etc 


aim – type of account always set to 'Audition candidate' for these accounts 


cohort1  - idnumber of cohort to add the student to. This means that the accounts can be set up and the students enrolled on the test page as a single operation. A cohort is set up for BMUS and BMUS Pop every year. E.g BMUS_AUDITION_2022, BMUS_POP_AUDITION_2022

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 July 2022, 11:36 AM