Frequently asked questions

  • Can I search for a particular performer on the catalogue?

Yes. Just enter their name under author in the basic or advanced search and a list of all the recordings they are in will be displayed. For more information please see the catalogue guide.


  • Can I transpose a piece of copyrighted music?

Yes, as long as you make no other changes to the piece. If other changes are made then this counts as an arrangement, for which permission must be sort from the copyright holder. For more information please see the copyright guide.


  • What does short loan mean?

The short loan collection is where you’ll find many of the texts included in your reading lists. Short loan items can only be borrowed overnight from 12pm until 12pm the next day and you can normally only borrow up to a maximum of 2 at any time. All short loan items can be identified by the Overnight sticker on the spine and a pink date stamp. They are shelved separately from the normal lending stock, in the stacks after the audio-visual collection. For more information about borrowing allowances and fines for short loan items please see the Borrowing from the Library guide.


  • How many books can I take out?

This depends on whether you are an undergraduate, postgraduate or member of staff. Please see the Borrowing from the Library guide for your loan allowances.


  • I need a book and there isn’t a copy in the Library, what can I do?

There are many options in this circumstance:

-       There may be an electronic copy of the book, which you can access both on and off-site. All e-books are listed on the Library catalogue.

-       If the library owns a copy but it is out on loan you could reserve it for when it is returned.

-       If the library does not own a copy we could get one for you via Inter-Library loan or possible purchase a copy.

-       You could also try other Libraries in Manchester, including The University of Manchester Library, Manchester Metropolitan University Library and Central Library (which is currently closed for refurbishment but is due to reopen in 2014 and will house the Henry Watson Music Library).

For more information please see the Library guides: Electronic resources, Items not in stock and Using other Libraries.

  • Do you have recordings of past College performances?

Yes, we have CDs or DVDs of all College performances including operas, performance classes, masterclasses, competitions and lunchtime concerts dating from the College’s inception in 1973 to the present day. These recordings are not on the Library catalogue and are for reference use only. Please ask at the Library counter for any recording. For more information please see the Audio-Visual guide.


  • If my items are overdue, am I still able to renew them?

Yes, you can renew overdue items online via the Library catalogue, over the phone or at the Library counter. However, you will NOT be able to renew items if you have any outstanding fines. All fines must be cleared before you can renew. Please see the Renewing your loans guide for further information.


  • Where are the 7 Day loan books?

The 7 Day loan items are on the normal lending shelves together with the standard loan items. You can identify a 7 Day loan item as it has a 7 Day sticker on the spine and a green date label. These items can be borrowed for a week but they cannot be renewed. For more information see the Borrowing from the Library guide.


  • What are the Library opening hours?

Monday - Thursday     09:00-19:00

Friday                          09:30-17:00

Saturday                      09:00-13:00

Christmas & Easter Vacations, Mid-Year Recess

Monday-Friday            09:30–16:30

Saturday                      CLOSED

Summer vacation (subject to variation)

Monday – Friday         10:00-13:00


Saturday                      CLOSED

The Library has restricted opening hours for the month of August.

Full details of vacation opening times are published prior to the start of each vacation.

  • My Library items are overdue but I have been ill and unable to renew them, do I still have to pay the fines?

Under exceptional circumstances the Library will waive fines; however there must be a genuine reason and decisions will be made on an individual basis.


  • I have a PLP, am I exempt from Library fines?

This depends on the terms of your PLP; it may include extended loan periods upon request and/or exemptions from fines. Please see the student support and welfare officer for more information.


  • My bag was stolen and it had Library items in it, what should I do?

If Library items in your possession were stolen please report the crime to the Police and inform the Library as soon as possible. If you can produce a crime number the Library will not normally charge you for the replacement costs.


  • What happens if a part is missing from a set or I have lost the music?

We ask that you check all parts are present before borrowing an item as once it is on your account it is your responsibility. If you have lost all or part of a Library item please inform a member of Library staff immediately; you will then be sent an invoice for the replacement costs but your borrowing rights will not be affected. Invoices for lost items include the current replacement cost of the item and an administrative charge. It is preferable that you replace lost items as this avoids your payment of an administrative charge. To avoid your borrowing rights being suspended, please do not just replace lost or stolen items, ask for an invoice first. Invoices must be paid within 28 days. If the invoice remains unpaid after this period you will be unable to borrow items until the outstanding bill is settled. If the invoice is paid or the item replaced within 28 days, all fines on the item will be waived. However, if the invoice remains unpaid after 28 days, a £5 late fee will be incurred.


  • Can I copy music for my lesson/ pianist/ exam/ other assessment?

If the music is out of copyright then yes you may make a copy, however if it is still in copyright you must seek the permission of the copyright holder before a copy can be made. For all College performances, exams or other assessments any copy used must be a legal copy. Any infringement of the Copyright Act is taken very seriously and may result in disqualification. P

Last modified: Friday, 6 September 2013, 12:02 PM