Bluebirds Ensemble
15 March
4 November
Here is a recording of String Street Snowman to help you with your practice! You can slow it down so that you can play along by clicking on the cog wheel and selecting 0.75 playback speed.
14 October
Sorry we couldn't play all together this week. Looking forward to seeing you next week! In the meantime, please watch this video to help you have a go at playing Boogie Bass, which is a really fun piece to play all together.
Once you have watched the video, you can practise playing Boogie Bass on your own - you have the notes on the Ensemble Pieces sheet I gave you. If you have lost it, you can download and print a new one from moodle. Try it plucking to start with, then have a go with the bow if you have been playing with bows with your teachers. I have added just the backing track as a file to the Bluebirds area of moodle to help you with your practice, too. Have fun!
7 October
This week, we started to learn a new song called Lightly Row. We gave you a sheet with a few pieces on, including this one. If you can't find your copy, you can download it from the Bluebirds Ensemble Sheet Music folder.
Here is a recording of Lightly Row to help you with your practice.
30 September
This week, we continued working on singing and playing Hot Cross Buns. Ask someone at home if they can sing the melody with you while you pluck the open string pattern.
23 September
Today, we sang Hot Cross Buns together and plucked an accompanying part on our D and A strings. Here is a recording to help you practise. The string pattern you need to pluck is here. The Z sign shows a rest.
16 September
Hello Bluebirds! I have made this video so that you can practise playing 'Sway and Strum' with me at home. This is the piece that we played all together on Saturday. Do you remember how we talked about being an ensemble? This is a French word, meaning 'all together'. We practised making our strum sounds at exactly the same time by using our eyes and our ears. When you play along with me, listen carefully to the music to help you feel the pulse, and watch my movements closely so that you can follow them and make your strums happen at the same time as mine. Looking forward to playing with you again next week!