Hi Bluebirds!
We worked really hard today on our ensemble skills.
We discovered that the speed at which we count in, is the speed we will play.
Vilanova has 3 beats in a bar, so before you start, count yourself in! You need to choose a speed, count to 3, and then play your walk notes at that speed. Thejal and Tharoon, you could take it in turns to choose the speed and cout each other in :) Mia - I'd like you to choose a few different speeds to try too.
If Vilanova is getting really good then try 2 things:
1) Left hand plucking
2) Have a little look at Hundred Pipers (at the top of the page). See if you can work out what the notes are called and strings you will be playing, but please don't write them on.
Bow monkeys:
The rules are that you can't use any other part of your body or object around you apart from your left fingers and thumb. You need to crawl and wiggle your fingers and thumb all the way to the top of the bow, and back down again if you can! This helps to make your fingers strong and independent. We'll do this as a little race next lesson :)
Have a lovely half term break!