Well done today Mia you worked so hard in all your lessons!
We talked about a couple of exercises for you to practice with your left hand.
The violin sits between your left (index) finger and thumb. It sits at the base of the finger and behind the thumb nail leaving space for Klaus and Mouse. Find this position comfortably first, it doesn't matter where on the violin neck you try this (at the moment).
Once this feels OK then can you lightly place your fingers on a string of your choice and move your whole hand up and down the strings. Your arm/hand/wrist/fingers need to be loose and relaxed and when you are moving up and down it will feel like your elbow is opening and closing.
Please could you practise plucking the first two lines of Trolls, Orcs and Goblins using your 1st/2nd/3rd (4th if you're brave!) fingers. Take it slow, use your ears to check you have found the correct string (instead of your eyes), and remember to take a little break in between each try.
If this feels OK then choose one finger at a time to zoom up and down all your strings.