Hi Tharoon, Thejal and Mia,
Today we practised our bow holds.
Please can you practise your very best bow holds on pens or pencils first? Your main focus at the moment is to ensure you have a bendy thumb in the right place (the little gap between the black bits on your bow) and that your pinky finger is curled and sitting right on top of the bow stick. Your other fingers should be floppy and loose, with a little gap between them.
Once you feel confident on a pen or pencil, transfer this to your bow. It will be easier if you rest your bow on your violin shoulder (left shoulder), while you organise you fingers/thumb. Just practise bowing a few rhythms, keeping the bow between the bridge and the fingerboard.
Please also practise the first two lines of Trolls, Orcs and Goblins. Make sure you follow the music carefully as the patterns do change!
Well done everyone, some really great work this week.