Today we some work on our bow holds and crossing the strings.
Practise holding your bow by resting your bow on your left shoulder and then organise your fingers on the bow. When you have got your best bow hold, then try using the bow on your violin.
Thejal and Mia, put your bow on the string at the lowest sticker, and bow up to the next one. Tharoon - I'll pop some stickers on your bow next time, but you can look at Thejal's and try and do the same thing :)
Please practise the following with the bow:
E E stop rock A A stop rock D D stop rock G G stop
and then
G G stop rock D D stop rock A A stop rock E E stop
stop rock means:
stop - stop the bow
rock - using your eyes rock the bow silently to the next string
Find Hundred Pipers in your orange books. Say the notes up to the first rest. Then pluck them, then bow them.
Please do the first two lines of Trolls, Orcs and Goblins again so you are very confident at following the notes without help.
Well done today team! We missed you Tharoon, but hopefully Thejal can fill you in and we'll look forward to hopefully seeing you next week.