Practice Notes 2 March

Practice Notes 2 March

by Sarah Smyth - Posted on
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Hi Bluebirds

Well done today! 

Fingerboard maps: I’ve given Ewen and Gael a copy of a fingerboard map today to use with their practice this week, showing open strings and first fingers in first positions. This is in their bass bags/folders. 

Warm Up: 

1. Mountain Rockers on open strings

2. Mountain Rockers using 0000 1111 on each string. Use the fingerboard map, sing and play note names as you rock through the strings to help reinforce the note names of each open and finger 1 on each string. 

Left hand set up: 


 - Make sure you use a telescope shape/apple shape with fingers and thumb. Curved fingers!

- Check your thumb is neatly behind and not poking round the side! Use plaster to find position. 

- Floating elbow, helium balloon - not resting on the bass 

- prepare LH in position (using sticker as guide) hovering bumble bee fingertips over the string ready to play! 

Concert/Sharing performance prep: 

Keep practising Cowboy Chorus using the format in today’s lesson - play intro and sing verse, then play intro and verse. 

New piece: Engine, Engine - D string using finger 1 and open string. 

Please practice by singing the words, then note names, then finger numbers first before you play.

Remember D is a line note and E a space note. 

Once you have nailed the notes in the LH, remember to focus on making a lovely sound with the bow. Check the bow is making a cross shape + at quarter to and quarter past, and your bow isn’t on the fingerboard but between the fingerboard and bridge (the best sounding point).  Make sure you use enough bow to make the string ring beautifully!