Super work today Thejal well done.
The main things we talked about were:
Violin posture
Remember to keep your violin round at 10 o clock. We're aiming to keep the instrument quite flat - remember the imaginary blueberry! Your wrist and fingers are doing very well at making the correct shape. Your fingers are curled and your finger nails are looking at you. Well done.
Bow hold
We did the bow flip to help us with our finger positioning. It was top of pinky, bottom of first finger, curl your thumb into position aaaaand flip! (Remember to 'glue' your bow to bottom of first finger so it doesn't move when you do the flip!). You did really well with your curly thumb, keep checking on this. We need to make sure the bow is being help deeper into our fingers and not in the fingertips.
Jewish Wedding
This piece includes all our open strings plus low A. Have a go and see how much you can do yourself :)