Hi Bluebirds!
Wow didn't we work hard this week?! Well done all of you.
Please could you keep practising all 3 fingers on every string. Remember your fingers AND bow need to go on the same string! If you're finding it a bit tricky, then do your fingers and pluck instead.
Try something like 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 on each string.
If that's feeling confident then you could try the following:
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0
(Grown ups - taking fingers off is always trickier than putting fingers down, so we'll likely be practising this quite a lot over the next few weeks.)
We also looked at C#s, how to play them, and how they're written down.
Please look at the piece called Maiden Fair in your orange books. Use the little diagram I've drawn to help you work out the note names and finger numbers. Please don't write the finger numbers over the notes :)
Then follow the usual routine:
Sing the finger numbers
Sing the note names
Pluck it
Bow it