We practised all 3 fingers on all our strings again. Please remember:
- wrists down
- space for Klaus the Mouse
- curly fingers on the stickers
If you struggle to reach the G string check that your violin is round on your shoulder (10 o'clock position), and instrument is flat (not droopy).
Next please have a go at bouncing all three fingers on the string at the same time. If you start to feel confident with this you can add the bow and play open - 3 - open - 3 on all your strings. Please remember to put all three fingers down together (not just 3rd by itself).
We explored loud and quiet playing too:
Forte (for-tay) - f - loud/string
Piano (pi-ah-no) - p - soft/quiet
We used lots of bow for forte playing and less bow for piano playing.
Try all of Maiden Fair, including the repeats and forte/piano.