Well done Mia we covered lots in your individual lesson.
If you could get a deeper/firmer sponge for your violin that would be great. I'll cut it down to size and make sure it fits you well. Please check the following things:
- space for Klaus the Mouse
- curly fingers
- fingers on the stickers
- wrist down
- violin flat (think about putting a mini egg on your violin at teh start of your practice - it still needs to be there by the end and not fallen onto the floor!)
- violin needs to be round on your shoulder in the '10 o'clock' position
- violin should be being supported by shoulder, neck and head, not being held up by the hand.
- when violin is in good strong posture, it will help the sound and the bowing
Bow hold
- hold the bow at the bottom your first finger
- 'bow flip' - palm up, place bow top of pinky, bottom of first finger. Curl thumb into gap between the two black bits, then flip your bow over onto your shoulder
- play any notes you like with long slow bow, ask a grown up to help you keep the bow between the bridge and the fingerboard
- Maiden Fair, all the way through please, including the forte and piano instructions
Enjoy Holland :)