Dear Bluebirds,
Well done for a great last lesson of the term!
We are really focussing on our D string finger notes this holiday:
1) pinky plucking for strength
2) Think Finger Numbers - 4/3/1 - use this thought for 4 Joggers and Fingers and Feet from Cello Time Starters. Please also try the sporty rhythms under 4 joggers - use one each time you practise.
3) Solfa - think about the sounds the notes should be making - 4 - fa, 3 - mi, 1 - re - use this for Boil'em Cabbage Down
4) Alphabet names - 4 - G, 3 - Fis (F sharp), 1 - E - use this for Under the Coconut Tree. Remember, Your F-Clef tells you that the second line down in our stave is an F. Count up and down in steps from this F line to find note names. Look carefully at which line a note is on, or which space a note is in.
Have fun, and a good holiday!