Lesson notes for Thejal

Lesson notes for Thejal

by Victoria Bickerton - Posted on
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Hi Thejal,


Your finger preparation work on your scales today was fab. Please keep practising it in that way :)

We talked about your bowing elbow being more relaxed so we can pour more of our arm weight into the bow. Your elbow should be floppy and heavy when you bow. I suggest you play maybe 8 or 10 open strings so you can practise doing this 'heavy arm' bowing. While you're at it, keep watching your bow to make sure it is staying around 1.5cm away from the bridge at all times. If you find your bow is doing over the fingerboard/too close to the bridge you need to remember your goose bowing :D

We did lots of work on reading our music today. I would like you to work out the notes for Greek Night Out. I would like you to work out the note names and finger numbers if possible (though note names are more important for today). 

You need to ask yourself  is it a line note or a space note?

If line then count from the bottom Every Girl + Boy Deserves Fudge

If space then think F A C Es in the spaces. 

Here is a picture of the work we did on the whiteboard today to jog your memory: