Hi Larks,
What a great session today!
We practised our G major arpeggio 2 octaves up and down. Please focus on getting thi into your memory and keeping your bows smooth and straight.
G B D G B D G D B G D B G or 0 2 0 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 0 2 0
Please look at Greek Wedding, it is near the back of your books.
We discussed that as the piece indicates F# at the beginning, this means all the Fs and F#, but everything else is natural. In this piece then, we will have low 2nd fingers on the A string and E string (just like in the G major scale 2 octaves).
Pluck the first line, when confident add the bow. You will notice lots of slurs - these are quite tricky. Do your best with them and I'll help you next time. The second line is nice and easy as it's all open strings, please add this too.
I will be away next week, but I will send planning to your cover teacher, so please keep extra focussed and work hard, I'll look forward to hearing all about how it goes.