Hi Bluebirds!
Please spend this week looking carefully at your concert music!
As well as that we have!
Bow: Practise your Belly Button Bows, flips and side to sides onto your knees, watching out for your L-shaped thumbs, and plenty of space in your hand. Once you feel comfortable with this, try flipping to the D string and playing along with D String Rock! Make sure you land in the Bow Zone!
Left hand notes: You can make the notes E, Fsharp and G on your D string by using your left hand fingers. Left hand out to the side, make a telescope with your thumb and middle finger, fold in and line your fingers up with your first finger on your red mark and your pinky finger on your the blue spot. 1 finger makes E and you will need this in one of your ensemble pieces in the concert.
Our other pieces are:
Willow Waltz, Jig, St Anthony Chorale and Manhattan Blues - plenty to be practising!
Well done,