Well done Tharoon and Thejal we had a good lesson today - Mia we missed you! We hope you're OK and feeling better soon.
Next week is our informal performance to the rest of the Bluebirds. It's not a concert as such, just an opportunity to share what we've been learning. We decided to showcase our first finger work on 'Press Ups'. Last week we were quite confident with plucking it, this week we added the bow.
The co-ordination is quite tricky, so don't worry if you find adding the bow quite hard at the moment. I suggest you perhaps practise one bar at a time.
We agreed in our performance that we would do the following:
1) Sing the note names (in this case D and E)
2) Sing the finger numbers (in this case D and 1)
3) Sing it in sol fa using our hand signs (Do and Re)
4) Pluck it
5) Bow it
I may ask Sarah to put some funky chords with it on the piano - I haven't decided yet!
Thejal and Tharoon - we talked today about making our best sound - could you check each others? Bow needs to be in the middle of the bridge and the fingerboard, with good bow holds. Tharoon, at times you were holding your bow in your finger tips - try to let your fingers wrap around the stick a little more. I'll help you with this next time so don't worry if you're not sure.
Next week we'll practise our performance things, as well as get started on a new piece, so please make sure you have practised ready for next week's showcase :)