Well done today Tharoon, we covered lots of great work, thank you for your focus and effort.
Our main topic was to upgrade your bow hold. We found a new way of doing it which was to place the bow on your palm face up. It needs to be at the top of your pinky finger and slant downwards to the bottom of first finger. Curl your thumb into the right place and then do the flip. Mum and Dad have taken some pictures of this to remind you what it should look like.
Remember too that your violin should be in the '10 o' clock' position. Again, if you could ask a grown up to help you find this that would be great.
We looked a the piece of music called On The River. You read the notes beautifully for two lines (well done!) and we had a go at playing them. As we're working on lots of little things at the moment, I suggest you have a different focus for every time you practice. Always start off with our normal routine of sing note names/sing finger numbers, pluck,. When you're ready for the bow then have a go at the following ways:
1) bow hold focus
2) violin position focus
3) curly fingers and wrist down
4) making sure bow is on the correct string
5) fun