Lesson Notes 9 March

Lesson Notes 9 March

by Sarah Smyth - Posted on
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Hi Larks

Well done today, Sophie and Bea! You worked really hard and did a great job of working out our new piece! 

Rain is Falling Down

This was sounding great in your lesson today! 

Sing through before you play with the solfa, and then finger number pattern as we did in our lesson today before playing this on each string. We noticed that if the open string is a space note, then finger 4 is also a space note, and finger 1 a line note and visa versa. See if you can spot this on each string.

We spent some of our lesson today working out some of the phrases ourselves on the big stave, which you both did brilliantly! You were also great at transposing the melody onto different strings. Keep practising this at home, and make sure your bow is on a good sounding point between the bridge and fingerboard to make a lovely sound. 

New piece: Ode to Joy (Vamoosh book - last page)

We gave this song new lyrics as below, and we worked out line 1 (which is also line 2 and 4!). Remember to look out for the patterns/ contours of the notes. 


Sophie, Bea and Sarah like to play the bass in harmony x2

When we play we all try our best, we all try our best so we sound great!

Sophie, Bea and Sarah like to play the bass in harmony.