Lesson Notes - Sophie’s double lesson!

Lesson Notes - Sophie’s double lesson!

by Sarah Smyth - Posted on
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Well done today, Sophie! You worked super hard and focused brilliantly for your super long lesson. 

Warm Ups: 

  • Two hand bow swings

Beautiful bow hold with RH, support tip of bow with LH and swing bow back and forth using the whole bow on open strings. 

  • 014 mountain rockers 
Keep working on this with your fingerboard map to help you memorise the 014 notes on each string. Try not to look at fingers when playing, trust them to find their place and do this by feel and sound when you feel confident. Once your fingers are secure, focus on the bow and use your magic wand to do lovely long bows to make the string vibrate, just as you did with two hand bow swings warm up. 

  • Rain on the Green Grass

Sing three ways, notes, solfa and finger numbers. Try on each of the strings. Once confident with LH focus on the bow and making a lovely sound as we did in our lesson today.

Ode to Joy

Practice the section from last week (line 1) and line 3 that we worked out today. Practice it in small sections as we did today, watching out for contours  - notes in step etc.