Hi Mia,
What a super lesson we had!
When you're practising your scales, please try to keep your fingers down as you go up the scale.
Please practice all of Too Much Rosin, count your rests carefully!
We spent most of our session working on note reading.
If we come across a note we're unsure about we used the following method:
1) Ask ourselves, is it a line or a space note?
2) If line, use Every Girl + Boy Deserves Football (going from the bottom line to the top)
If it's a space use FACEs in the spaces (going from the bottom space to the top).
3) Once you know the note name, you can work out how many fingers you need from the open string (if it's a B then it's 1 on the A for example).
I think Mum took a picture of the work we did on the whiteboard, so hopefully this help.
I challenge you to find a piece of music in Violin Star 1 anywhere from the beginning of the book until the piece 'Nobody Else But Me', that we haven't done together, and try and work it out for yourself! If you do, let me know on Saturday and I'll give you some time in the group lesson to share this.