ASIMUT Room Booking System
ASIMUT is an online scheduling and room bookings system that has been developed for educational institutions with special focus on the needs of conservatoires. It has also been recently adopted by both the Royal College of Music and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. The system will enable all staff and students to see all events and bookings made in the College. This will have considerable benefits for the fair and transparent use of the College’s rooms, and help us to plan the very best use of our space.
As part of the new system, most rooms will become keyless with the exception of grand piano rooms (these will either have access control or, in the case of the library building, keys will still be required from reception) and specialist rooms such as percussion, tuba room, double bass room etc (existing arrangements continue for these spaces, either key or access control).
The main benefits of keyless rooms and online bookings include no waiting for late key returns and therefore the need to book excess hours will be reduced. Online bookings will negate students having to queue at reception for last minute practice rooms, also the automatic release of space when a rooms booking hasn’t been confirmed leave less chance of rooms sitting empty when students are pushed to find space.
Visit Asimut
Please be sure to read the important relevant documentation below:
Student User Information
Tutor User Information
- Tutors Bookings Guide (printable pdf version)
- Procedure For Booking Amendments & Late Arrivals (printable pdf version)
Admin Staff User Information
Touch Screen Locations :
- In reception area at the bottom of the stairs
- In the refectory outside the green room
- 1st floor library corridor entrance
- 2nd floor library corridor entrance
- Ground floor Oxford Road wing opposite the lift
- Ground floor Oxford Road wing opposite room 14
- 3rd floor main building next to room 331
- 3rd floor main building next to room 352
- 3rd floor main building outside counselling suite
- 2nd floor main building balcony overlooking concourse