Hi Bluebirds
Today we recapped our LH checklist - telescope shape with thumb and finger 3, lovely curved fingers, fold arm in, elbow floating like a helium balloon (not resting on the bass), and thumb at the back of the neck of the bass, not peeking round!
Make sure you are sitting beautifully, feet flat on the ground, and the bass is secure and balanced before you play so that you’re not gripping with your LH.
Warm Up:
Keep practising Mountain Rockers with open strings and finger 1, using the fingerboard map and singing note names as you play to help you learn each of the finger 1 note names on each string.
Concert prep:
Please keep practising Cowboy Chorus for our sharing session in two weeks. Practice playing intro, singing, and then playing intro and song. Make sure you’re using lovely bows to make the string ring - a + shape with the string (no fishing and digging!)
New piece: Chinese New Year (sheet in bass bags/folders)
Please practice singing this three ways before you play
1. In solfa (doh and re)
2. Note names
3. Finger numbers
This song is written out for you so you can play it on each of your strings, and it follows the same finger pattern on each. We started with A string version in our lesson today. Notice if doh is a line note, then re is a space note and visa versa. If you have mastered this, try the interval challenge on each string written out under each version of Chinese New Year.