If an item which you require is on loan to another borrower, you can reserve it as follows:

Books, sheet music & A/V items                

Log into your Library account through the Library catalogue at https://catalogue.rncm.ac.uk

Search for the item

Click Reserve item on the left hand menu


If we do not stock an item which you require you can ask the Library to acquire it for you.


 Music, Books, EBooks     and AV items                                              

 Email acquisitions@rncm.ac.uk, fill in a request form   on Moodle or ask at the Library counter

 Journal   articles, Theses,   Books and music   which are specialist,   expensive or out of   print



  These can usually be obtained through Inter-Library      loan (ILL). Fill in an ILL request form at the Library        counter or email InterLibraryLoans@rncm.ac.uk       There is a charge of 50p per item.

  Students are limited to 5 ILL requests per year,   except MMus students who can make 8 and   MPhil/PhD students have unlimited requests

  NB. Fines as follows are charged on non-collected     Inter Library-Loans:

 £5 per journal article

 £7.50 per book/music score.



If an item is available locally at another Library we would normally ask you to go there yourself.

There is a national scheme between Libraries called SCONUL which allows RNCM members access to the Libraries of other institutions. UG students are allowed reference only access; PGs and staff are allowed borrowing rights. For more information and to apply for a SCONUL card please ask at the Library counter. 


Last modified: Monday, 16 September 2024, 1:35 PM