Student Support - Self-Care Information and Resources
LGBT+ Support Resources
If you have any ideas for resources and info that we can add to this list, please drop an email and we'll add it in here so that other students can find out about it too.
Check out RNCM Student's Union's Instagram page and their posts for Transgender Awareness Week 2023.
Useful Organisations
LGBT Foundation: LGBT Foundation - Home
LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
The Proud Trust For LGBT+ Young People - The Proud Trust
The Proud Trust is Manchester-based and has some helpful information covering a range of different things such as coming out, faith and religion, and staying safe, on there on topics like exploring identity and coming out. It’s young person focused, so some students mind find it a bit simplistic but explains things well.
They do a number of events and community activities as well: What's On - The Proud Place- Manchester's LGBT+ Community Centre (
42nd Street 42nd Street | LGBTQ+ resources
42nd Street is a Manchester mental health charity offering support and advice for young people's emotional health and wellbeing. They have resources on their website: 42nd Street | LGBTQ+ resources | and community events like this too: 42nd Street | LGBTQ+ Collective |.
Galop - the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity
Galop offer support for LGBT+ people who have experienced violence and abuse
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline
Switchboard are a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being. They support people to explore the right options for themselves.