Your college ID card is also your Library card. You will need it to gain access to the Library. To borrow from the Library, bring your ID card to the Library desk with the items you wish to borrow. 


When borrowing items with more than one part, it is your responsibility to check that all the parts are present before you borrow it. The Library will not accept items for return which are incomplete.


Borrowing allowances



Loan period


Up to 25 items books/music

28 days (8 renewals)

+ 5 7-day loans

1 week (5 renewals)

+ 5 Audio-visual items

1 week (5 renewals)

+ 1 Zoom recorder     

2 days (0 renewals)



Up to 25 items books/music

28 days (8 renewals)


+ 5 7-day loans

1 week (5 renewals)


+ 5 Audio-visual items

1 week (5 renewals)


+ 1 Zoom recorder    

2 days (0 renewals)


Up to 25 items books/music

28 days (8 renewals)


+ 5 7-day loans

1 week (5 renewals)


+ 5 Audio-visual items

1 week (5 renewals)


+ 1 Zoom recorder    

2 days (0 renewals)


+ 5 orchestral sets

28 days

Staff/Junior Fellows

Up to 25 items books/music

28 days (8 renewals)


+ 5 7-day loans

1 week (5 renewals)


+ 10 Audio-visual items

2 weeks (5 renewals)


+ 1 Zoom recorder

2 days (0 renewals)


+ 5 orchestral sets


28 days



Overdue items


The Library sends courtesy reminder notices shortly before an item is due to be returned or renewed. The notices are a courtesy only. Non-receipt is not an excuse for overdue items. It is your responsibility to be aware of when your items are due.

When an item becomes overdue, notices will be sent by e-mail to your College e-mail address. When an item has reached its maximum renewals and becomes overdue, you will automatically be invoiced for the replacement cost of the item(s). Your borrowing rights will be suspended and your Head of School will be notified. You should be aware that a debt to the Library constitutes a debt to the College.

Please do not ignore library notices.

Please return or renew items before the due date. Items reserved by other borrowers may not be renewed, but if you still need the item(s), please get in touch so that we can help.

Items can be returned at the Library Counter. When the Library is closed, items except for Zoom Recorders can be posted into the Returns Box at the Library door. Please ensure all items are complete before returning them. Zoom recorders must be returned when the Library is open.


Lost or stolen items

Please let us know immediately if an item in your possession belonging to the Library is, or may be, lost or stolen. We can then arrange for you to be invoiced.

Invoices for lost items include the current replacement cost of the item and an administrative charge. It is preferable that you replace lost items as this avoids your payment of the administrative charge. The replacement copy should be exactly the same edition as the one you are replacing. To help us maintain accurate records and ensure your account is not unnecessarily blocked, please ask for an invoice before replacing lost or stolen items yourself.

Invoices must be paid within 28 days. If the invoice remains unpaid after this period you will be unable to borrow items until the outstanding bill is settled. If the invoice remains unpaid after 28 days, a £5 late fee will be incurred.

If Library material has been stolen from your possession and you can produce a police crime number to support this claim, the Library will not normally charge you for replacement costs.

Please note that you are always responsible for all items borrowed including multi-part sets. If you give parts to others then it is still your responsibility to return them.

Last modified: Monday, 16 September 2024, 9:46 AM