Library Regulations


All users of the Library are subject to the following regulations. The Library reserves the right to place restrictions on services to users who do not abide by the regulations. Persistent or severe violation of the regulations will result in the complete withdrawal of services and referral to the Head of Registry and Head of Department if required.

All items belonging to the Library must be treated with care and respect.  Borrowed items should be kept covered from rain and away from food and drink.  Pencil markings may be made in music borrowed for practice and performance, but it should be kept to a minimum and erased carefully before the music is returned. A charge may be made for the repair or replacement of damaged items.

No item of Library stock may be removed from the Library until it has been properly issued by a member of Library staff. When returning Library material users should wait until the item has been checked and removed from their Library account by a member of Library staff.

All items are due for return by the due date stamped on the item (or notified at the time of renewal). Keeping items once they become overdue can severely inconvenience other users. Normal loan items can be renewed 5 times (in person, by phone or online) without bringing them into the Library, unless they are required by another user. For renewal options for other loan types, and loan allowances please refer to the Borrowing from the Library guide. Fines will be charged on overdue items. It is the responsibility of the user to keep a record of the due date of items.
The Library cannot be responsible for the non-receipt of courtesy and overdue notices.

When an item is reported lost the Library will invoice the user for its replacement. Users have the option of replacing the item like for like; however, if the Library is asked to replace the item an administrative charge will be added towards the cost of re-ordering and re-processing the item. Late payment of invoices will incur a further charge. If one part of a set is lost, the borrower is liable to replace, or pay the replacement cost of, the whole set. Borrowing rights will be suspended if the user is in debt to the Library. Borrowing rights will be reinstated once the debt has been settled.

Items designated as reference material may be borrowed only with the special permission of a senior member of the Library staff.

In order to preserve the Library as a quiet place for study, quietness must be observed in all areas at all times. Silence is requested at the tables in the reference area.  No phone calls are permitted in the Library and mobiles should be switched to silent before entering the Library.

Users of the IT facilities must adhere to the conditions listed in the RNCM IT policy which is available on Moodle.

No food and only bottled water is permitted in the Library, to avoid damage to Library stock and furnishings.


For safety reasons, users may not enter the sliding stacks unless accompanied by a member of Library staff.

The College actively discourages the infringement of copyright legislation and the making of illegal photocopies. Information on copyright law is displayed by the photocopiers in the Library. If a user is uncertain about whether or not the making of a particular copy is legal, he or she should consult a member of staff who can advise (but not give permission). Copyright holders (normally the publishers) are often willing to grant permission for copies of copyright works to be made for educational purposes, but users should obtain their permission before making the copy.

Please refer to section 2 of the Student Information Handbook for further clarification and guidance regarding copyright.

Library Opening Hours


       Monday-Thursday           0900-1900

       Friday                               0930-1700

       Saturday                          0900-1300


Christmas vacation

       Monday-Friday                0930-1300


       Saturday                          CLOSED                    


Mid-Year Recess

       Monday-Friday                0930-1630

       Saturday                          CLOSED


Easter vacation

       Monday-Friday                0930-1630

       Saturday                          CLOSED

       (Final week)

       Monday-Friday                0900-1700

       Saturday                          0900-1300


Summer Vacation

July & September

Monday-Friday                       1000-1300


Saturday                                 CLOSED



Monday-Friday                       Morning: CLOSED;


Saturday                                 CLOSED


All vacation opening times are subject to variation and are published prior to the start of each vacation – please check notices and the website.

Library staff are available throughout opening hours to help students make the best use of the Library’s resources.


Last modified: Saturday, 27 April 2019, 11:34 AM